โครงการขุดค้นแหล่งโบราณคดีเมืองเสมา ตำบลเสมา อำเภอสูงเนิน จังหวัดนครราชสีมา พ.ศ. 2543-2544 (The excavation of Mueang Sema archaeological site, Sema Sub-district, Sung Noen District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province in 2000-2001)
Partial skeleton consists of the cranial fragments, the mandible, the ribs and vertebral fragments, the left humeral and ulnar fragments, the radii , fragments of the femora and tibiae, and the left fibula. This skeleton discovered with the skeleton #3.2 in the jar burial #3.
The 9th Regional Office of Archaeology and National Museum, Nakhon Ratchasima (Presently named The 10th Regional Office of Fine Arts, Nakhon Ratchasima)