The study of Flexed burials in Southeast Asia aims to collect and study the tradition of flexed burial ritual, To study and compare the tradition of Flexed burial to answer a specific relation with culture, gender, age at death and during a time or not. And to study the diffusion of flexed burials in Southeast Asia during 20,000 - 2,000 BP. In this study emphasize collected the archeological documentary data which specify that found Flexed burial in the archaeological site throughout Southeast Asia in order to study comparative and analysis by case of 24 archaeological sites.
The result of study generally found in Semi-flexed, No specific in sex age and orientation. Grave goods type related with period. Context of burial almost found stone on the burial. Tradition of Flexed burial has similar in position of flexed but different in grave goods and context of burial. The diffusion of archaeological site, when arranged the burials age found no association with the sequences for the area from any direction indicate flexed burial culture does not origin in one site then expand to another. Belief may occur in many social in different time and sequence in some social group as seen in flexed burials evidence has continually found.